Letters To The Editor
Republicans must push back against Trump’s lies
Terry L. Hansen, Milwaukee
Bryan Steil is continually promoting initiatives to increase “election integrity.” If Steil was really concerned about this issue, he would push back against the false narrative about stolen elections relentlessly pushed by former president Donald Trump that has created so much doubt in the eyes of many Americans.
Presidential Medal of Freedom ‘much better’ than Medal of Honor?
John H Callan, Fort Atkinson
The former President declared the Presidential Medal of Freedom to be “much better” than the Medal of Honor because those who receive the latter are “either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit by bullets or they’re dead.”
Who in Wisconsin would vote for Trump?
Ben Adams, Watertown
His recent rants about turning back the clock to the 50s with a strong addition of autocracy are troubling to say the least. It made me wonder, again, who in Wisconsin would vote for him?
‘Climate change poses great threats,’ so why do we risk it?
Terry L. Hansen, Milwaukee
Former president Donald Trump mocks the threat posed by human-induced climate change. He once declared, “Global warming is an expensive hoax!” And Trump can find support for his views among Republican members of Congress.
Not ready to give up on America
Terry Tutton, Whitewater
We are living in turbulent times. Perhaps never in our nation’s history has our democracy and freedom been so threatened. A significant number of Americans seem to be willing to forfeit living in a democracy and enjoying freedom for an autocrat with an agenda is hard for me to believe.
Vote ‘yes’ for school referendum; public school funding not keeping up with rate of inflation
Dr. James Fitzpatrick, Fort Atkinson
Why is our district and virtually every other district in the state of Wisconsin constantly coming back to their communities seeking referendum support? Well, the answer is pretty simple: Wisconsin public school funding had not kept up with the rate of inflation.
Vote NO on Constitutional Amendment Referendums
John Callan, Fort Atkinson
Both questions led former lives as proposed legislation vetoed by Gov. Tony Evers. Now, the state Senate, lacking a supermajority to override the veto, is again attempting an end-run around both the legislative process and the separation of powers by enshrining failed legislation into the state constitution, where it would be immune to gubernatorial veto.
Vote, and ‘consider positive value our quality schools bring to our area’
Rodger Thomann, Fort Atkinson
The stronger the community and the more growth, the more valuable our homes become and the more people who will share in the funding of our schools and other local services and quality of life amenities. Without strong public schools the reverse may happen.
School board president offers information about upcoming referendum vote
Commentary submitted to Fort Atkinson Online by School District of Fort Atkinson Board of Eduction President Kory Knickrehm.
Vote for Protasiewicz if you value democracy
Steve Tesmer, Fort Atkinson
Wisconsin is a classic “purple state,” split nearly 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans. In statewide elections, sometimes Republicans win and sometimes Democrats win, but for more than a decade, Republicans have held strong control of both houses of the state legislature, thanks to the gerrymandered district lines they drew in 2011.