Voting Info

Vote!Register To Vote

  • You can register to vote in-person in Wisconsin.
  • You can register to vote online in Wisconsin.
  • You can register to vote by-mail in Wisconsin.
  • You can register to vote online until 20 days before Election Day
  • If you miss the voter registration deadline, you can register to vote and cast a ballot at the same time on Election Day.
  • All voters must submit proof of residence with their voter registration.

To register online, start at The site requires that you start registration process by entering your first and last name and date of birth to check whether you are registered or not. You can register to vote online if you have a Wisconsin driver’s license or state ID card that shows your current address. If not, you can still register to vote by mail or in person.

To register by mail or in person, start by completing the Voter Registration Application. Mail or take the completed application to your municipal clerk along with proof of residence.

Voter ID

Not sure if you have the required ID to vote? You can check here to see what kinds of IDs are acceptable for voting purposes. For instructions on getting a free State ID Card, click here.

MyVote Wisconsin

On you can find your polling place, view sample ballots to  see what will be on your ballot in the next election, find when your next local election is, update your name/address, register to vote, request an absentee ballot and more.

Dates To Remember

  • January 28: Member Meeting – Jefferson Business Center
  • February 18: Wisconsin Spring Primary
  • April 1: Wisconsin Spring Election