Every community deserves fair and fully funded public schools.
Republican lawmakers are voting against Wisconsin children and their families.
Even so, there is some good news. We have replaced the Walker Administration, and Democratic Governor Tony Evers has been able to make strides in returning public education to its rightful and historical place a priority for Wisconsin. The 2019-2021 state budget reflects some of this renewed investment.
And we have a solid plan for how to assure equitable support for schools thanks to The Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding’s report issued in January 2019.
Gov. Evers took a stand to assure that education priorities would be funded in the budget. For a recap on some of the budget’s K-12 education provisions, here is a brief summary of “what’s in, what’s out” from the Wisconsin Association of School Boards.
But fair funding has not yet been achieved. Rural school districts are still hurting. We are not much further than we were in May 2018, when the Green Bay Press Gazette reported on the hardship of funding small rural schools thanks to the unfair caps on per pupil allocations and other structural problems.
We must remain vigilant and hold accountable those Republican lawmakers who insist on blocking fair funding investments. (For a brief reminder of their arguments, if you can bear it, check out this posting on how fair funding is a threat to private voucher schools, small government, and etc.)
Research continues to show increased school funding equates to better outcomes for children. For more, the WASB provides this helpful link.
Fair funding is still needed.
What can I do?
- Contact Rep. Horlacher, Rep. Dittrich, Sen. Nass and Sen. Fitzgerald and tell them you want the Legislature to approve full and fair funding for public schools by calling (800) 362-9472 or use this automatic messaging system via the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
- And VOTE for progressive candidates who will fight for investments in public education.
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