The Jefferson County Dems will hold elections for the following board positions on Tuesday, December 13, at 7 p.m. over zoom:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
The following people have expressed interest in running: Joan Fitzgerald, Treasurer; Steve Bower, Secretary; Leslie DeMuth, Co-Chair; and Kelli Rowley, Co-Chair. We will accept nominations from the membership during the meeting, but it is extremely helpful if those interested in running for a position on the board notify us in advance. If interested in running for an executive board position, please contact us at:
IMPORTANT: Only County Party Members in good standing are eligible to run for office, or vote in this election. Dues must be up to date before December 13. Membership levels start at $25 per year, or $10 for students or those with limited income.
Contact us at to request the Zoom link
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