Sunday, December 5, 2021
4:00 to 6:00 pm
Fort Atkinson Club
211 S. Water St. East
A fundraiser and gathering to celebrate and support our work together to safeguard community health, reproductive rights, strong schools, and more.
FEATURING: Rep. Sara Rodriguez, Assembly District 13
Sara is a first-term Democrat elected in 2020 whose district includes parts of Waukesha and Milwaukee counties. A Brookfield native, Sara is an RN and public health executive who is a leading voice on issues of health care reform, collective bargaining, voting rights, and ending gun violence. JOIN US to thank and support Rep. Rodriguez for crucial work in the Assembly!!
Appetizers, wine & beer will be served.
Fill out the form below to register for the event. Upon submission you will be directed to the Act Blue website where you can make a donation toward the event (Suggested Donation: $25).
Jefferson County Women United Event
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