Dear Editor:
We now know who will be the candidates for the elected offices in the upcoming November election. I have a question for the incumbents and the candidates. Will we have the privilege of seeing you participate in a Q & A forum or debate before the November election? I’m tired of the same old campaign slogans and rhetoric.
I’m frustrated with the lack of response from our elected officials. They refer us to their websites, TV and radio interviews, etc. to answer our questions. I want to hear real answers to real questions. Our government officials are elected by the citizens of Wisconsin to work for the citizens of Wisconsin. If the job is important to them, they will find time to fit a forum or debate into their busy schedules.
I encourage you to contact your elected officials and candidates and encourage them to participate in a forum or debate before the November election. The following will be on the November ballot: Gov. Tony Evers vs. Tim Michels; Lieutenant gov. candidates Sara Rodriguez vs. Roger Roth; Attorney General Josh Kaul vs. Eric Toney; Senator Ron Johnson vs. Mandela Barnes; Representative Scott Fitzgerald vs. Mike Van Someren.
Barbara Lottmann, Watertown
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