Starting in mid-May and going through the summer, we will be canvassing local voters to talk with them about the fall election. We completed a Deep Canvass Institute “train the trainers” course during March, and are charged up and ready for you!

We have designed a 1.5 hour training on zoom to present the new scripts, meet one another, and brush up on our stories. The training will be repeated three times on the following dates, in hopes to accommodate schedules. Please select one and reply to with your plans:

  • Wednesday, May 1, 6:30-8:00pm
  • Friday, May 3, 10:00-11:30am
  • Saturday, May 4, 10:00-11:30am

Note, even if you are not available until later in the summer, please consider taking the spring training. Also, if none of these dates work for you, please let me know and we can find another time.