Common sense gun laws protect our families
80% Wisconsinites support Background Checks, Red Flag Laws
Gov. Evers Takes the Lead; GOP Threatens to Block
Tony Evers and Democratic lawmakers are proposing an expansion of background checks for gun sales in the state and have called upon Republicans who control the legislature to support it. (Executive Order #54, calling for a special session on Nov. 7).
“It’s time to stop waiting for permission from the NRA,” said Evers, at a news conference to announce the bill.
Sensible gun safety reforms are long overdue. Citizens across the country are ready to challenge the powerful interests that block reform. People want legislators to pass laws to prevent more deadly domestic abuse, suicide, and school shootings. Here in Wisconsin, we finally have courageous leadership determined to follow the will of the people on gun safety.
But [as reported by Scott Bauer/Associated Press on Aug. 15, 2019]: Robin Vos says gun control measures being pushed by Evers are ineffective and “very unlikely” to be taken up by the Legislature.
Under the bill, the Wisconsin Department of Justice would conduct the background checks on purchases made at gun shows, online, auctions and other sales that aren’t covered by the federal law requiring background checks on guns sold through federally licensed dealers. Sales to a firearm dealer, a law enforcement officer or member of the armed services, firearms classified as antiques or a gift or inheritance to a family member would not be covered.
The proposed law would also create an extreme risk protection order (ERPO), or Red Flag Law, establishing a process that will give family members and law enforcement officials the tools they need to intervene when an individual is at risk of harming themselves or others.
This is our chance to take meaningful action on gun violence in our state. These measures are exactly in line with the priorities recommended by every public health and human rights research organization working on gun safety today. But they will only pass if enough of us tell our lawmakers to do the right thing and vote on November 7th.
What Can I Do?
- CONTACT: Rep. Horlacher, Rep. Dittrich, Sen. Nass, and Sen. Fitzgerald and demand that they hold the special session on November 7 and vote in FAVOR of the Governor’s proposal to close the background check loophole and create a Red Flag/ERPO process.
- LEARN MORE about the growing consensus for practical solutions to prevent gun violence in America. Resources include:
- And VOTE for progressive candidates in local, state and federal elections who will stand up to the special interests and act on gun reform now!
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