Tuesday, January 28, 6:30 pm
Jefferson Area Business Center

222 S. Wisconsin Drive, Jefferson
The program will begin at 7 pm

Join the Jefferson County Democrats for a post-election discussion of how to hold a space for yourself and fellow activists to process, strengthen community, and begin to ready ourselves for our future.

Steve Bower, Vice Chair of the Jefferson County Dems, will give an overview of a Community Post-Election Resistance Gathering that he has facilitated in Watertown and Palmyra. Listen as he shares his experiences in leading these gatherings. Future community gathering opportunities will be discussed.

The goals of these gatherings are:

  • Strengthen community spirit for what’s ahead
  • Give voice to our emotions in these times
  • Share plans on what we want to offer each other going forward
  • Learn from history, past movements, and current events that can inform how we move forward