We are living in turbulent times. Perhaps never in our nation’s history has our democracy and freedom been so threatened. A significant number of Americans seem to be willing to forfeit living in a democracy and enjoying freedom for an autocrat with an agenda is hard for me to believe. Their 900 page Project 2025 is full of stunning implications for America as we know it. There are many issues in this election cycle but there is one I have not read about or heard it discussed.
Let us just consider World War II. Thousands of American men and women lie in graves all around the world and in the deep of the ocean. They gave their lives that we might live in a democracy with freedom. Our freedom has been dearly bought and is a debit we can never repay. Freedom is not free. It requires eternal vigilance that our dead trusted to us. If Americans would vote to eliminate democracy and freedom it would break this sacred trust. Would our dead have died in vain?
My conscience is troubled yet I am not ready to give up on America. I think the majority of Americans will vote to save our freedom and continue to be looked to for world wide leadership in promoting human rights and thwarting the oppressor.
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